Monday Apr 07, 2014
Rev. Marty Vershel (4-6-14)
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Continuing the sermon series How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse, Rev. Marty Vershel preaches that the spiritually dead (Zombies) can surprise you at any moment . You may need to make a fast get away. As well as following Rule #1 to out-run the zombies, you'll also need to be light on your feet, and that means reducing the weight of the objects you are carrying with you. Many of us carry around too much stuff that we get bogged down, making us easy targets for the Zombies that are all around us. Too often, we get bogged down with "stuff” that slows us down. The Gospel of Mark tells the story of a man who could not let go his stuff. (NOTE: The website that Marty speaks of is: http://www.globalrichlist.com)